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10 Bedwetting Facts Parents Should Know

  1. Bedwetting is a Medical Condition
    Bedwetting is not an abnormality of the urinary track. It’s called “enuresis” in medical term. Primary enuresis is where a child has never been dry and secondary enuresis is where a child has been dry but starts bed “Nocturnal enuresis” or “night wetting.” Also refers to bedwetting because it occurs during the night.
  2. Bedwetting Statistics
    Bedwetting statistics show that fifteen percent of three to five-year-old children are bedwetters. Without treatment, eighty-five percent outgrow Bedwetting ratio of boys to girls is 4 to 1, and a percentage of two to five in teenagers will most likely continue to bed wet.
  3. Bladder Function During Sleep
    Bedwetting is a problem caused by sleeping too deeply and failing to recognize bladder function. It doesn’t reflect a dysfunctional family or a psychological and an emotional problem.
  4. The Genetics of Bedwetting
    Genetics of bedwetting is that, if both parents were wetting their beds, then the likelihood of you wetting your bed is seventy-percent. When one parent was a bedwetter, then you have a forty-percent of following suit.
  5. What Happens
    This is how children achieve bladder control. Bladder- emptying occurs by bladder- emptying reflex in early infancy. Muscles in the bladder automatically squeeze to empty the bladder when it has reached certain fullness and has stretched to limit point. In the age of 18months to2½ years, children can recognize the bladder fullness. Normally it’s the period towards bladder control. The child can now inhibit the bladder emptying reflex and can hold in the By so doing, the bladder stretches and the holding capacity increases. The child can consciously hold the urine in daytime, but with time the night control is achieved when they can unconsciously hold the bladder emptying reflex.
  6. Communication Problem
    When the child is asleep, the brain and bladder don’t communicate, or the child sleeps through the bladder signal. If there is a delay in bladder fullness, there can be a delay in bladder control leading to bedwetting. The bladder reflex continues as the child grows, but occurs differently in as the baby grows. Just like walking, some do it earlier than others.
  7. Bedwetting is a Sleep Problem
    Bedwetting is caused by sleeping too deeply to recognise their bladder sensation at night.
  8. ADH
    ADH (anti-diuretic hormone), is a hormone released by the kidney to regulate the concentration of urine. Some bedwetters may have a deficiency of ADH thus their bladder overfills during sleep.
  9. Sleeping to Soundly
    As demand and supply in business the same mechanism is applied in the bladder fullness. At night, the bladder fills with adequate urine not to overfill and trigger the need to be emptied. Mostly, the bedwetter overfill the bladders causing a larger supply compared to the demand. In this case, due to sound sleep they fail to tune their bladder fullness and hence wet their bed.
  10. Small Bladders
    Children have Small bladders that easily overfill hence more likely to bed wet.

For more up-to date information please contact your pediatrician.


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